Values & Principles
Alebtong Foundation is guided by an institutional culture that is enshrined in our values and principle, which underpin all our operations as well as activities. In addition, we adhere to common international standards for organisations that are involved in humanitarian activities. We work to amplify change through sustainable impact and scalable solutions in rural communities within northern Uganda. We believe in exemplary and outstanding leadership.
- Community First: We believe that communities are the best place to identify the challenges they face and to implement sustainable solutions. Our approach is to place communities at the centre of development discussions within the community.
- Humility, Integrity and compassion: These three values help us to be open, honest, accountable and to treat all our beneficiaries with dignity.
- Open-door Policy: We listen, interact and freely share with all those interested or tacking part in our projects. This gives a diverse pool of views.
- Respect for Human Rights and Diversity: In all our activities, the respect of human rights and dignity of all is cardinal and observed to the letter.
- Humanitarian Action: Our work is purely geared to protect life and to ensure respect for all human beings at all times. We care for those who are suffering.
- Accountability and Transparency: We adhere to a high standard of financial reporting and keep such documentation free accessible.
- Independence and Self governing: Our decisions are taken internally and autonomous from any political, economic, social and third party influence.
- Compassion: We are committed to listening, understanding and acting in concert with those affected.
- Community Inclusion and Participation: All our activities are carried for the benefit of rural communities and all effort is made to ensure their participation in project activities.