We are an indigenous non-governmental organisation working to assist marginalized rural communities in Uganda. Our projects are guided and driven by humanitarian principles as well as pro-poor interventions.

How You Can Get Involved
Call +256783028807 to Donate Or info@alebtogfoundation.org to get Involved
We work with National and International volunteers who spend between 1-12 months supporting our projects within rural community settings in Uganda. Volunteers are instrumental in building the capacity of our staff as well as promoting cultural exchange.
The Foundation has set up a community library to enhance literacy and numeracy skills of both primary and secondary school children within Alebtong District. A generous donation of books was received from a Catholic Religious Community based in Kampala.
This scheme identifies girls in rural communities who are exposed to explotation through Gender-Based Violence, Early Marriage and Child Labor. The Foundation keeps them in school through a cost-sharing mechanism with their families.

What We Do
Alebtong Foundation is a humanitarian organization working to assist marginalized rural communities in Uganda. Our initial project location is Alebtong District in northern Uganda.
Our Story
We are a passionate and reform driven team seeking to use pro-poor technologies to empower marginalized rural communities, particularly women and young girls as well as the youth. Our work is premised on compassion and restoring hope for victims of Gender-Based Violence, Early Child Marriage, Substance Abuse and those suffering the effects of environmental degradation and Economic Hardship.
Ongoing Causes
Community Health Awareness
Community health remains one of the significant challenges faced by rural communities, particularly due to diminished access to adequate social services. Alebtong Foundation uses a combination of innovative techniques to being much needed health access and services closer to the community.
Skilling For Tomorrow
Rural communities often make a living from skills they employ to earn a daily income. Our Foundation, uses a skills enhancement methodology that targets youth groups in Abako, Alebtong District. Various skills such as carpentry, tailoring, masonry, metal works, and baking are taught.
Women Emancipation
This project creates opportunities for women and young girls to realize their full potential, to gain confidence and self esteem as well as help them take advantage of the opportunities they need to succeed. The Foundation works to remove women and young girls from situations of exploitation, particularly domestic violence, early marriage and
Literacy and School Resilience
In collaboration with various organizations, Alebtong Foundation works to cultivate a school environment that is purpose driven towards inspiring and empowering children.
Become a Volunteer Today
Your expertise and time are highly valuable to our cause. We need passionate, committed and self-driven individuals to help our foundation achieve empowerment for marginalized rural communities in Uganda.

Get in Touch. Get Involved.